Our services

Level 3 Report
Level 3 Survey
Level 3 Survey Report
Level 3 Survey Report

Ringdale Surveys Services

Our main purpose in undertaking a survey is to provide you with independent and objective information about a property – this may be your first home, next home or for investment.

When buying a property, it is very easy to buy with our hearts but, due to the significant financial commitment involved, it is essential we also use our heads to avoid costly mistakes.

A survey report from Ringdale Surveys will provide you with a clear picture as to the condition of the property and highlight any areas of concern so that you can make an informed decision whether to proceed with a purchase, or not.  Armed with this information and knowing the likely extent of any works required, both in the short term and beyond, enables you to proceed with confidence.

We provide condition reports in line with the RICS Home Survey Standard.  We do not provide valuations of properties, preferring to focus on the building itself and its condition.

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Level 2 Report
Level 3 Report

Ringdale Surveys offers two types of condition survey report – a Level 2 or a Level 3

During our initial discussion with you to establish what you want from the survey and the report, we will offer our advice as to which level of report we would consider the most appropriate to meet your needs.  This will also depend, in part, on the type and age of the property, its general condition and whether it has been extended.

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors reports follow a standard format and provide a condition rating for each section, allowing you to easily assess the condition of the different elements of the property and helping you decide where to focus your attention.  However, it is important that you read the whole report to understand the context of the condition rating for any particular element.

Condition surveys are non-intrusive and therefore sometimes there may be a recommendation for further specialist investigations. These further investigations will only be recommended when it has not been possible to establish the full facts during the course of our inspection or where specialist knowledge is required (such as for electrical and gas installations/appliances).

Level 3 Survey
Level 3 Report